Inside my mind


A survey

Ok, I admit, I have given in to posting a survey I found that should reveal some things to y'all about me. This might be the only time I ever do this, so here we go.
1. Whats your full name? Manuel P. (Not posting full name online)

2. Whats your nick name? e-Man

3. How old are you? 24

4. Whats your gender? Male

5. Whats your favorite song? Wow, I can only pick one? Ummm, I guess I would have to say "I can only imagine" by MercyMe.

6. Favorite group or band? Ummmmmm, too many to list. Recently in my car CD player I have played Thousand Foot Krutch, The Katinas, and Zoe Girl.

7. Favorite solo singer? I don't know many solo singers, so I will say Michael W. Smith

8. Best friend? For male I will say Ben B. For female I will say Wendy T.

9. Girlfriend? Name (first)? That would be Wendy T.

10. Crush? I best not, lol

11. Favorite food? Pizza

12. Favorite soda? Anything diet

13. Favorite movie? Finding Nemo

14. Favorite TV show? I like a lot of stuff on TLC and the discovery channel, so I can't say just one.

15. What time is it right now? 10:09pm

16. What is the date? 4-10-05

17. Ever been kissed? yes

18. Do you think you look good? Sure

19. What is your favorite kinda of juice? Orange

20. Are you girl crazy? Nah, I like the one I am with

21. Whats your favorite website? Yahoo!

22. Age when you received your first kiss? 18

23. Who is the hottest girl you know? Wendy, duh!

24. Whats the weirdest dream you've ever had? I seem to have a strange dream every night.

25. Who's your idol? Don't really have idols, I do have God and His son Jesus

26. Who's your worst enemy? Procrastination

27. Ever gotten in a fight? With who? Yes, Joel Nunez, I was out of line and started it, but we where both ok afterwards and apologized.

28. Whats your favorite season? Spring

29. Whats your favorite magazine? Classic Truck Magazine

30. Whats your favorite activity in the summer time? Swimming

31. Whats your favorite clothing brand? Anything cheap

32. Favorite animal? Dog

33. Whos the most annoying person you know? Not sure.

34. Ever dated a loser/dork/weirdo? Who? My first girlfriend was kinda strange

35. Day or night? I love the night life, like to boogie, but daytime and the sun out and shining is very nice.

36. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate all the way.

37. Freckles or none? I have none, but I don't mind them on other people.

38. Apples or Bananas? Bananas

39. Gatorade or Sobe? Neither, too much sugar

40. Whats your favorite color? Blue

41. Most embarrassing moment? I seem to have one of those every week. There was this one time I broke down and allowed Wendy to decorate my hair with clips and ties and such. Both her mom and sister got a good look at me when she was done. All I can say is I am glad the pictures they took of me got misplaced.

42. What time is it now? 10:17pm

43. Favorite friend of the opposite sex? Wendy T.


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