Inside my mind


A little shaken

So this evening I happened to be out on my bike, when I spotted a neighbor from my street, but there was one problem. He was laying on the ground, and there was a truck parked nearby, he had been hit by a car. I don't know the whole story behind how the accident happened, but I did approach him to see how badly he was hurt. No battle damage or road rash, but I am afraid something happened to his leg. I left when the paramedics showed up, and went on my way. A little over an hour later I realized that since he is a little slow and lives in an assisted living home, I didn't know if his caretakers knew what had happened to him, so I went down the street and had to be the first person to tell them where he could be found. They had been waiting for an hour wondering where had gone. I feel bad in a way because that should have been the first thing I did after finding out how he was doing, but I guess getting on with my life was more important at the time. I guess I am just going on notice here: I try to be reliable, but when seconds count don't hold your breath, I might disappoint.


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