Inside my mind


I've got clutter

I get lazy, anyone who knows me knows that I am speaking the truth. Sometimes I don't put things back where they should, or put new things in a good place. The result is that I have a desk that has about 3 3/4 square feet of usable space in front of me when I pull up a chair. All of that space was buried underneath papers, pens, and lots of dust, leaving no, I repeat, no empty space to work on anything. Combine that with the fact that the shelves I have just above my desk have not been touched in well over a year, and its enough to declare an official state of emergency. Has I cleared stuff off, dusted, tossed some trash, and put stuff back where it belonged, a thought occurred to me. Sometimes in our own lives we accumulate clutter in our minds, things that don't really serve much purpose except to use up time and energy and get our focus off of what it should be on: God.


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