Inside my mind


Super Bowl Extra Large (XL)

Yes, I'll admit it, when I first started seeing the "XL" all over the place and done in red and blue, I thought it was some marketing campaign hyping up the Super Bowl this year. I didn't realize that it was going to be the 40th Super Bowl, once I learned that the letters made perfect sense. The game itself was very interesting, and while it may have seemed one sided by the score both teams put up a good fight. The commercials where the highlight for me, I loved the ones that Budweiser put out, from the streaking lamb to the magical fridge to the little clydesdale who wanted to pull the wagon, I found them all entertaining. Also, the "Don't be too quick to judge" commercials that showed people getting caught at a bad moment where they might have some explaining to do was very funny. The fedex cavemen provided a great laugh, diet pepsi was also unique, and I can't help but mention the ad where the guy was bragging about how he had a ring tone for any occasion, and had the Benny Hill song play when his couch was on fire and what happened next was just too odd for words but me and my family found it hilarious. So, all in all I enjoyed this years Super Bowl, and I was going to buy a shirt but all they had was size XL.


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