Inside my mind


The drama

There where cheers of joy, and tears of pain. Good performances where praised, while bad ones where quickly covered up with excuses. There was nervousness, excitement, anxiety, and doubt all rolled into one. It wasn't a movie or a play I am talking about, I am referring to what I saw at the elementary school I work at this afternoon: The day before student council elections when speeches are given and all posters are taken down afterwards. Seems like the pressure can be a bit much for some kids, and they can be devastated by losing. I saw one girl who, for some odd reason that I don't know of, was taken out of the running for vice president. She sat through the speeches sitting about 12 feet from everyone except for a teacher, and she cried the whole time. My heart kinda went out to her, because these kids may be young, but they put a lot of time and energy into getting their name out there to the other students to get elected. I told her that it wasn't the end of the world and things would get better, but I doubt she listened or believed me.


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