Inside my mind


Internet fame can be strange

Every now and then I search the internet with my name and a few of my online aliases to see what turns up. Most of the time I get just the usual suspects and a few postings from my blog. The other day I noticed a new item that turned up in the search, it turns out a photo I took at a car show had been posted by some person on a police scanner forum. I sifted through the thread that contained the picture in question, and what I found was rather, well, odd. I didn't have time to read too much of the many pages that made up the topic, but what I did get was that one user said that they wanted a sandwich. Another user said as a joke that they would bring them a sandwich, in a brown bag, and leave it on their doorstep, burning. To those who are uninitiated, this is how you do the classic "flaming dog poop on porch" gag. First user replies back with a comment of how long it will take the fire department to get to the fire, and another user said that it would take longer because it takes a while for them to get those big trucks moving. Just above his comment was a shrunken down photo of two classic fire trucks I had taken from our annual car show. Part of me felt excited that someone who I have never met actually viewed my pictures and went back to use one in a post of his. Another part of me felt like asking for my money back because my picture was just being used for cheap amusement, the skill I used to create that picture was used to get one last laugh about setting animal by-product on fire. Eh, back to life beyond this keyboard.


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