Inside my mind


Next big thing

Ever sit on the information superhighway and wonder when the next big thing will hit? Seems like a short while ago only a few people would test each other, now it seems that a majority of cell phone users "txt" each other several times a day. It doesn't appear to be a passing fad, but there are some things on the internet that seem to be dying down. MySpace seemed to be a huge topic about a year ago, and people exchanging MySpace names and adding each other to their friends list was all the rage. Before that it seemed like everyone had a blog and that is how you kept up with your friends, but they don't seem quite as popular anymore. These days it seems that Facebook and twitter are now vying for everyone's attention, and it seems people can't get enough of them. Cellphones are now fully equipped to update one's twitter status, or capture, upload, and tag a photo to their Facebook. Even the church I attend is hopping on the bandwagon and telling people to add them to Facebook, and the pastor admits that he now "tweets". I guess at the age of 28 I no longer embrace all of these new things. I prefer to check e-mail about once a day, update a blog when I feel like it, and use my phone to make calls. I guess in internet time I am more around the age of 65, so watch out, I might just be cranky!! :-)


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