Inside my mind



Words, they form sentences, and sentences can form meanings and get ideas across. Sometimes there are words that are better left unsaid. I got the privilege last night to meet an individual who is slightly mentally handicapped, but wanted to attend bible study. He explained to the group how much it hurts to be called retarded by people who are mean and inconsiderate, because they just don't want to take the time to understand. What he said almost tore my heart to pieces, because he is pretty competent and can do things, but being called that name out of hate makes him think he is worthless and can't do anything, and he went on to say that if you ask other mentally challenged people they might tell you the same. When we resort to name calling because we can't stand someone or we just don't understand, we are no better then the name we just used. God bless you Tim, I know you may never see this, but you talking that night made me realize again just how much power can be in our words to both heal and hurt.


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