Inside my mind


Award shows

Seems like it is that time of year where awards are passed out to people who pretend to be something else all for the sake of entertainment. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good movie, and like watching something with some good acting, but I think the amount of award shows and the hype behind them is way too overdone. So, I am going to pull out my little soapbox, stand on it, and announce I am going to pass out some awards for real things, things that deserve to be acknowledged and applauded. So without further ado, here I go in no particular order. I present my parents with an award for having the spirit of loving and caring, from birth until the present my every need has been met and I have never had to worry about having a roof over my head or having food to eat. To my girlfriend Wendy, an award for having the spirit of compassion and helping, she has been there countless times for me has well has others, offering everything from an ear to listen to having to do hard labor. To my friend Melissa, an award for having the spirit of generosity, always willing to open her home, life, and wallet to those around her. To my friend Jennifer, an award for having the spirit of overcoming, her ability to weather a storm has been an inspiration to those around her. To a guy known has "chrischris" (a.k.a. "Adam"),an award for having the spirit of a servant's heart, and wanting to be all that God boldly made him to be. Last but not least, an award for the Pastors of my church, Steve and LaCinda, for having the spirit of God within them, and sharing it with others on a daily basis. All awards are final, if you feel you should have gotten one then let me know, and all decisions are final.


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