Another Mad Tyte Ride
First off, shout out to my boy Jon D, we said he spotted me when I was taking pictures of this car. An offender spotted at the local McDonalds. His weapon of choice is a late 80's or early 90's Honda Accord. One word sums up this car: rough. Seems like everywhere I looked parts of the body and bits of a body kit where all misaligned or beat up. In the interest of keeping file sizes and page load time down I present just some of the highlights of this mad tyte car.

First off the front passenger side wheel well grabbed my attention, mainly due to all the rock chips, the dent put into it (looks like it might have been from the tire coming into contact with it), and his lower body skirt coming loose.

No interior is complete without that "stripped" look, makes it look like you are trying to save weight for racing. He had some carpet missing and a few holes in the center console, the ripped seats where also a nice touch.

The back end, judging by the looks of things I think I know what happened. I think those two fart cannons back there blew the back bumper right off.

First off the front passenger side wheel well grabbed my attention, mainly due to all the rock chips, the dent put into it (looks like it might have been from the tire coming into contact with it), and his lower body skirt coming loose.

No interior is complete without that "stripped" look, makes it look like you are trying to save weight for racing. He had some carpet missing and a few holes in the center console, the ripped seats where also a nice touch.

The back end, judging by the looks of things I think I know what happened. I think those two fart cannons back there blew the back bumper right off.
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