Inside my mind


My stint on live radio

Ok, I am such a dork, I am actually going to share an experience that happened to me today. The local Christian radio station does a question of the day in the morning and then again in the late afternoon, I have tried calling in before but always hit a busy signal. Today I decided to give it another try, and as soon as I heard the question I dialed expecting to hear a busy signal. Much to my surprise I got through, and I was the first caller. I probably sounded like a complete dork on the air, I realized that I was going to be live on the air and any friends or family listening might hear me, along with a good portion of people in this town. So it was exciting and nervous, and I had the correct answer, kinda cool because I rarely win anything and I can count with one hand how many times I have been able to get through to anyone at a radio station. Sorry for boring all you folks with this information, I know I need to get out more and stuff, lol.


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