illegal = illegal
Ok, I know this story has been going around and people are probably getting sick of it, but I wanted to add my two cents. The story I am referring to is about illegal immigration and all the student protests that have been going on. All right, now if I remember anything from my government class in high school we all have the right to be heard and assemble peacefully in protest of something. The protests I have seen fit that description, a bunch of kids protesting peacefully about one issue, but there are a few things wrong that I see. First off, there is the fact that these students have been ditching school, for most of them this will mean that they are getting suspended, for some others in means a day or two in lock up because it violates their parole. Just because you think that something is wrong doesn't mean you should go off and do something wrong thinking it will change things. That brings me to point number two: change. So they have been holding marches in my hometown and letting everyone know what they think, but what will it really accomplish? They did not talk to anyone who will have an influence on the deciding of the bill, instead they talked to city hall employees and people who happen to be walking by. Here is what I have seen accomplished: Class sizes got smaller due to suspensions, students who chose to do the right thing and stay in class get detained after school because the campus has to be put in a lockdown to prevent any kids who are from another school to walk on the campus, and parents were made late and irritated due to the lockdowns when they had to wait to pick up their kids. Point number three: Know your protest. A good amount of these kids (at least in my town) admitted that they don't fully understand why they are doing it, they just went along with it so they can get out of class. What does that say about the intelligence level of these kids, or more importantly, what does that say to the validity of any march I see, are they marching because they really believe it or is it because a few are dedicated and the rest just want to tag along for fun? Last point: illegal in any other language is still illegal. All these kids are crying about how it is going to affect family members and friends, and that their family members are not criminals. Lets examine that for a minute, illegal aliens come here to work a job, avoid paying out taxes, put their kids (if any) in a publicly funded school, and skip out on paying hospital bills. While not all illegals do all of those things, they are things that are done. Why should someone who uses the health care system and school system yet not pay anything for it be protected? That would be like me going and putting gas in my car, then not paying the cashier because I don't have any money. They use and abuse the system, and tax paying citizens are left with the bill, if these students care so much about the illegals then maybe they should all adopt one and pay the taxes the illegal is skipping out on. I bet you my next pay check that after a while the student would either call border patrol or tell the person to become a legal resident and start paying their taxes like they should. Long story short, you do something illegal then you are a criminal, especially when there are ways to become a citizen of this country.
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