Inside my mind


3 day weekend... uggggh...........

Hello all. I trust and hope that everyone had a good 3 day weekend. Mine was a little bit of an adventure. On Saturday I woke up feeling weird. I told myself that I had things to do, so I pushed on. After only doing about 2 things on my to-do list I basically sat around the rest of the day popping advil and hoping Sunday would be better. Sunday came, along with a temp of around 102, so I had to make a trip to urgent care. Strep throat was the verdict, and good drugs were handed over thanks to the people at the Wal-Mart pharmacy.
The rest of my Sunday, and Monday, were spent indoors doing pretty much nothing. I did watch some football, and was pleased with the outcome of both games. Arizona is my home state, and my dad and uncle Mario love the Steelers, so all was right with the world on Sunday afternoon. On occasion I kept seeing advertisements for the Sham-Wow. What I want to know is how in the world can a towel that soaks up so much water be washed in the washing machine? Seems to me that it would take extra water because of how much it would soak up. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?


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