Inside my mind


Happy b-day to me

So today I celebrate my 28th birthday. Another year gone and marked at this point on the calendar. It got me thinking back over the past year since this date in 2008, and things I have learned or seen along the way.
First and foremost, if you want to be successful at anything in life, then learn this one thing: put God first in your life. I am still learning this lesson every day. "TGIF" should stand for "Today God Is First".
Keeping your tires properly inflated will actually get you better gas milage. I know, its almost too good to believe, yet how many of us actually check the pressure on a regular basis?
Got debt? Most of us do, but I learned about a method called "snowballing". Start with the smallest debt you have and pay as much extra as you can while still covering the minimum balance on everything else. Once that debt is paid off, take that payment and combine it with the minimum on the next biggest debt you have. Repeat until everything is paid off, then put all that into the bank or invest it as you see fit. I highly suggest Crown Financial if you find this method worthwhile, you might find other info that could help you out.
When building a shed in your backyard, I strongly urge to never do it in a hurry, and be very careful not to skip any instructions. Also, do not force anything in to place that is obviously not going to fit, go back and double check the instructions to make sure everything is correct. Also, I urge you not to bang on anything with your hand. Metal hurts, bad.
Wish I had some more revelations about things I learned or observed over the course of a year, but I will keep you posted if anything new comes to mind.


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