Inside my mind


Kinda makes you scratch your head

I was reading a truck magazine the other day, and there was a tech story of a box style Chevy truck that was being updated a little bit so it could be handed over to a first time driver. They pointed out many key issues that needed to be addressed so the truck was safe for a newer driver, like brakes, suspension, and a reliable engine. It got me thinking that I should consider myself lucky because the first car I drove after getting my license was anything but safe and good for a first time driver. First off it was never built with driver safety in mind, it was built rigid and heavy, so a good hit to it would probably send the driver flopping around inside the cab. It had drum brakes all around that would lock up if you got on them too hard. It had an engine that was pretty reliable, but sometimes finicky, and took forever to get the vehicle to move. I guess having to master that truck made me better on some level. The fact it was a heavy with some loose steering meant I had to be careful about making any sudden lane changes, and the brakes not being ABS had me more on the lookout for anyone coming to a stop or crossing paths with me. The fact that it took forever to get moving kept me from taking chances and taught me to be patient in traffic, and to be kinder to other people whose car's where a little slow as well. Why I wrote all this, I dunno, I am a car guy.


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