Inside my mind


We be rollin' (a.k.a. bike stuff)

So Wendy got her bike back (about 95% complete, I am still waiting on some parts to come in that she knows about). After a nice long ride this evening I think it is safe to say that she likes the upgrades, and is looking forward to the other things that should be available for me to pick up on Wednesday. I am also toying around with an idea for "Manana", the beach cruiser I have. I like how it looks and all, but I really want to be able to stretch my legs out on it some more. I have two options: either raise the seat or see if I can go banana seat/sissy bar style. Since I was blessed with being somewhat tall raising the seat might make the bike look odd when I am not on it (yes, I admit, I want the thing to look cool, that is what having a custom is all about, right?? lol). I dunno, I'll try a few things and see what develops. Anyone interested in making me an offer I think I will sell it off near the end of the year after I have gotten some use out of it. I would hate to see it go because of all the work I put into it, but it has to happen eventually.


Back in action, well, sort of

I made it back to town in one piece today. First person I saw when I got in was Wendy, I hugged her so hard I was afraid I might hurt her. I now sit here worn out, and looking to tomorrow and what I have to accomplish at work. I tried to fix what was wrong with my site, but nothing was working, so I canned the verse of the day, for now. I will find a way to get it to work, eventually. I wish I had something witty or funny to say but all I can think about is crawling into bed.

*EDIT* Cool beans!! I got it work on my last try of the night.


Work in progress

So here I am in a place called Mesa. The weather is a lot like home, but doesn't feel anything like home. I get to leave tomorrow around 2:30pm, with some ideal traffic conditions and no surprises I should be home by about 5:30pm. I felt really anxious earlier this afternoon, I won't go into the details but I ended up pulling out my bible. I ended up in Psalms 71, and in there the writer says that God is always His comfort. It is good to know that God is always the same, so I asked Him for some comfort. There wasn't anything earth shattering that happened next, no puff of smoke or loud crash, but I can say that I feel better at the moment, I am not so worried now.

Also, I want to take this moment to say that if my website looks funny, I apologize. I added in a new section to the right called "verse of the day", and on my home computer using FireFox 2.0 and Windows XP it all looks great. On this computer with Internet Explorer 6.0 and Windows XP, well, not so hot. I keep forgetting that people still prefer to use the security hole infested, spyware prone browser known as IE. This means I have to sit down at home and trouble shoot, not enough time to do it here in the hotel lobby.

That is all for now, laters and God bless.