Inside my mind


Random thought

Random thought of the day: Why is it that when you tell kids to slow down or take it easy, they run all over the place, but when you tell them to hurry up they drag their feet?


Crunchy food

I once heard that it was proven that when people are worried or nervous, they tend to eat things that are crunchy and/or hard. Maybe that explains why when I got home from school feeling worried about something I decided to have a handful of potato chips.


Back to the raft

They say that life isn't a game, but don't you wish it was sometimes? If there was something you didn't like about yourself you could open a file, do some editing, and be forever changed. Didn't like that last decision you made? No problem, reload your life from a point before everything went wrong and try it again. Of course, life is not a game, and sometimes there are things we wish we could change, or at least try to change, but it proves difficult. I guess that is why God said that He will help us out through our lives, because He knows where we are going to need the most help.



I love the season of Fall. Maybe it is the fact that the weather is starting to cool off so the days are a little more tolerable, and the nights feel great to get out and walk or go for a bike ride. It doesn't last too long here, its more of a two to three week reminder that summer is gone, and winter is right around the corner. I will try to enjoy the limited time as much as possible.


Make it stop, make it stop.

October is fast approaching, and in the back of many people's minds is the fact that some major holidays are coming. I have grown more and more over the years to loathe the months of October, November, and December. Why you ask? Simple, my dad decided several years back to start decorating for Halloween and Christmas. It has gotten so big that it takes a few weeks to get halloween all in place, and then it takes from after halloween until December 1st to pack it away and put out Christmas. I am going out on a limb here because they say that you are never announomous when you publish something online, people can find out things, and several family members and friends of mine read this, so I am probably taking a risk by saying: I hate decorating, and it makes the holidays miserable for me. From the time I was old enough to be of some use I have had to give up weekends and some evenings to help do all of this decorating. And it is always the same thing every year: my dad gets all worked up and stressed out so he takes it out on anyone around him telling them the work they do is never good enough, and he makes it sound like the world will come to an end if he doesn't continue to do this and not try to keep improving it. Don't get me wrong, I like the holidays themselves, and Christmas also took on a more special meaning when I became a Christian: I get to celebrate Jesus' birthday, The man who took all my guilt, shame, sin, and inequaties to the cross for me. I just look forward to the day I can do like so many others in my family and not get involved in it, just enjoy the holidays at my own pace and not be told how worthless I am after busting my butt the whole day through helping to put up wooden decorations and lights.


Long time no post

Sorry for the lack of updates, I have either been busy or haven't had much to say. I do have one thing to say today, have you ever felt like you used up your usefulness for the day? Literally, you are being useful one minute, and then in the next you can't get anything right so you might as well call it a day. I believe I had a day like that today, but it was basically my fault, I guess I went out of my way to be unusable in the situation.


Elements of writing

They say you learn something new everyday. Well, thanks to a 3rd grade class at my school I learned that you need some key elements when you are wanting to find out information and to do a summary. I know present these same key elements, but filled in with my blog in mind.
Who:I am guessing that would be me.
What: Anything I can think of really, sometimes I talk about an idea, or complain about something that bothers me, or I tell the world about something God has done in my life or reminded me of. Oh, and I have been known to embarrass friends by posting things about them on here.
Where: On the internet, straight from my keyboard to your screens.
Why: I guess I jumped on the bandwagon, I decided to give it a try since a lot of other individuals where writing blogs.
When: I seem to update about every other day.
How: That is a mystery to me, sometimes I plan out what I will write, other times I just sit down at the computer and go with the first idea that pops into my head.
Class dismissed


Blah blah blah

Today I shall bore you all with personal news. My bike has decided that it has had enough of the thorns I run into and has spit out all the Slime I put in the tubes and now refuses to hold air for too long. First time in a long time I have had to walk my bike home from somewhere, usually I luck out and anything that goes wrong happens either before I take off, or when I am a block from home. Thankfully the weather was nice, but I will have to take both tires off the bike tomorrow and inspect them and see what I am dealing with. I like being able to dig in and fix things, especially when I have some experience and I know what I am doing. I guess I forget that I can't fix everything, but sometimes I can't help but try. I have been reminded lately that none of us where made to be able to do it all, God is needed to help complete us, and get us through the times that need fixing.



I got bored the other night and was looking through some of my files when I came upon my old website pages. I looked through all my old posts I did on there, and decided to post some of the titles I had come up with that where either witty, funny, or downright strange. Here are some of them:
What gives?
Thanks for holding, please hold
Internet Gremlins!
Cool News Department
The old man & the job sea
Lost my bearings
Like, WOW!
Thump thump thump
Honk if you love anything
Moth hotel
Shows over, go home
Twisted on the edge of confusion


One day at a time

I'm only human, I'm just a sinner. Help me believe in what I could be and all that I am. Show me the stairway that I have to climb. Lord, for my sake, teach me to take, one day at a time. One day at a time, sweet Jesus, that's all I'm asking from you. Just give me the strength, to do everyday what I have to do. Yesterdays gone, sweet Jesus, and tomorrow may never be mine.
Lord help me today, show me the way, one day at a time.


Happy birthday!

I would like to announce today that mi novia (a.k.a. mi LM) turned one year older. HAPPY BIRTHDAY WENDY!!!


Back to school fun

Pure joy. New school, same school district, new responsibilities, new people. So far I have only worked 2 days but I can tell that I will like this new school and new surroundings. I was even called in on a possible "situation" with one of the students and I was asked to help out. I credit God with the smooth transition because I was a little nervous the day before I started back because I was going to know nobody and I was not sure what would be expected of me on the first day, but I was able to go in and get involved and not feel out of place or too confused.


Guest Post: Opportunity

I finally get the opportunity to be a guest on this blog and post whatever I feel that is important to post. I have thought of many topics that are funny, mind boggling or interesting but the problem is that I just can't seem to think of any one of those topics now. The conditions just do not seem right and at the time when I have the opportunity to post a perfect topic, I can not think of any. I guess real life can be that way. We think that when we do not have the opportunity to try anything new than the conditions are perfect. But when we finally get that opportunity we discover that the conditions were not as perfect as what we had thought. I guess that is what makes most of us different from the few people who actually take risks. These people have discovered the secret to life...It is never going to be perfect so not trying is not going to make it any better.
Today's post was written by Wendy T.


Rant and stuff

Well, its been 3 days since my last post, and gas prices have still been going up. I remember when I first started driving back in high school, my senior year. After I learned to drive stick on my parents car (86 Isuzu Trooper, loved that suv, may it rest in peace) I did my daily driving behind the wheel of our rust bucket 57 Chevy truck. The mileage for that truck is not the best in the world, even with its stock 6 cylinder engine, but at the time gas dropped down to about 98 cents a gallon. It was great, I could fill the tank for about $12-$15 since it was only about a dollar a gallon and it has a small tank. Just the other day I went and filled it up for my dad, same vehicle now takes $25. I wish I could ride my bike everywhere, but the heat in the afternoon combined with the fact my job and church are about a 10 to 15 minute trip in the car makes it a little difficult. A local bike store advertised that their bikes will get 60 miles per gallon... of water.


Got gas?

And no, not the kind that comes from good food. I guess at this point I am thankful that I don't have to drive 30 minutes to get to where I am going for work, it will only take me about 10. Looking at how much prices have been going up I think I will use my bike to get to anywhere within a 10 block radius of where I live.