Inside my mind


Bee's knees?

Most of us have heard of the saying "the bee's knees", but what does that really mean? If you break it down, bees do not have knees. So, does this mean that by calling someone or something "the bee's knees" (a mythical object), you are basically saying it is something so unimportant that it shouldn't even exist? Makes you wonder.


Ride on

So, I decided that today would be different in my travels to and from work. The place where I work is going to move soon to a new location. I had always wondered if I could, just once, bike to and from work, and live to tell the tale. I got up earlier than normal this morning and made the 4 mile ride to work, and then made the return trip at 3pm in 107 degree heat, with a slight headwind. I came, I saw, I rode hard. 20 minutes up, and 22 minutes back, not too bad considering it takes about 15 minutes each way in my car.


Welcome to July

I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend. Thank a veteran if you enjoy your freedom.

I love my wife, I needed to say that because I am going to tell you about something she did yesterday. I am in no way making fun of her, I just found it extremely funny. She was downloading an episode of Sliders to watch on the computer, but it was split into four files. After downloading the first file (which was 100 MB), she realized she saved it to a different place than normal on the computer. Instead of copying and pasting it to the place she wanted, or dragging and dropping, she deleted it, and started downloading it again so it would be in the right place. I laughed so hard I almost cried.