Inside my mind



When life gives you lemons, make lemonade, right? well, I did, literally. I turned a bunch of free lemons into a gallon and a half of lemonade. One thing I learned in the experience is that if you have any kind of cuts or abrasions on your hands, you will be highly aware of them by the time you are finished.


Hard job

Do you want to know the one person in history that I do not envy? It has to be Martin Luther. He took it upon himself to decode the bible, line by line, verse by verse, so that the average person could read and study it. It was a huge undertaking, because sometimes a group of words might translate to just a single word, but still have all that meaning behind it. Take for instance the verse at 3John 2 that reads "Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. (NKJV)". Now, in the English language the word "prosper" means "to be successful or fortunate, esp. in financial respects; thrive; flourish.". However, looking at the study of the Greek word it was translated from, it means to have a good journey, with physical and spiritual health. This means that this verse is not really talking about financial success, but instead it is saying to the intended to have a good, safe, and healthy journey throughout your life, even as your soul has a good and safe journey to heaven. Finding out stuff like that just blows my mind, and gives me a better understanding.



So today I went to the local library to check out a few books. I don't know why, but walking into our new main branch, or the revamped heritage branch, makes me feel uncomfortable. I guess its the fact that today's libraries have newer technology to them: internet access, self check out terminals, automated book returns, etc. I guess the main heart and soul of the library still remains: books. With the internet and new technologies you can now download and read books on a screen. One would have thought libraries would soon faze out, but they are still alive and well. That should mean a guy like me who isn't always on the cutting edge of technology should feel at home picking out an actual book to take home and read. I wish I could say that is the case, but part of me still feels like I draw stares of "what are you doing here?" from the current batch of patrons.


¿Estás ahí Dios? Soy yo, Manuel

I'll admit that as a Christian, I have yet to live out a great prayer life. Over the last few days I have been trying to grow out of that rut. You could say that there have been some thing on my mind, some troubling, and others eye opening. I can't go out into specifics at this point, but all I can say is that just in the last 2 days the few prayers I have offered up seem to return back with an answer. I actually found myself browsing through my bible the other night, with a notepad out. My church had preached a sermon on how to live a "mega prayer life", but I think it came up slightly short. I am not saying I have all the answers, but I am saying that God brought me in my study back to the Lord's Prayer. So powerful, and it leads you to exactly what should be said. First off, giving thanks to God and realizing He is the ultimate authority. Coming into agreement with God that His will should be done on earth just as it is in heaven. Asking Him for our daily bread, what we need to make it through the day, not extreme or ridiculous requests for possessions or power. Asking for forgiveness for anything we have done, as well as forgiving others. And finally, coming back to the main source and recognizing that God is all powerful and all mighty. So good.


For my Aunt Judy - In memory of Brutus

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Rest well little fellow.
appox. 12/93 - 9/16/09


New thought

In my family, if you happen to, uhh, "pass gas" while riding a bicycle it is known as "turbo boost". As I rode the other night and burped I realized something, that could be thought of as the "air brake", something to help slow me down when my brakes are no longer enough. If you excuse me, I will now go hang my head in shame for posting this.


To good health

I sit here trying to figure out what to type. I tend to stay away from just blabbing on and on about my meager life. I also try to keep from complaining too much. I just wish I could right now, feeling a little down, but it will pass. I guess I should be glad I am doing this, because I heard somewhere that people who blog tend to be happier or something, it provides them an outlet. So, as I push the post button I just wanted to say here's to good health, now get out there and write something.


Long walk up that hill

In my hometown we have a very noticeable drop in terrain about halfway through the city. One half of the city is described as being on the mesa, and the other down in the valley. A few main avenues that run east to west go up and down that slope of hill. About every other day or so I will see someone on a geared bicycle making their way up that hill... walking the bike. I think out loud "your bike has gears, find the low ones and start pedaling!" Well, this evening after the wife and I got to the bottom of the hill on our bikes, we discovered her back tire went flat. As we were walking back up I couldn't help but laugh at what I have told others. I wondered how many people drove by tonight wondering why I was too lazy to ride up the hill and instead walked up. I guess pride really does come before the fall, eh?


In Memory

The world lost a great man today. There will be no media coverage on CNN, no block party in LA, no sold out memorial in a stadium, but he was just as great. Roger Boddy passed away early this morning after a long term battle with an illness. He walked tall and stood up for his family, loving and defending them as necessary. He always welcomed me into his home, and treated me like one of his own. He raised two young boys during the years of his life that he should have been able to retire and let go of parental responsibilities. Words fail me at the moment, but I can say that while the memories of him will live on, those that knew him will forever feel like a small part of them passed away with him this morning. To those that had the privilege of knowing him, my prayers and condolences go out to you.


Woo Hoo!!

Labor day weekend kicked off today for me, and so far I have been enjoying myself. I made cinnamon toast and sausage for breakfast, I purchased and successfully installed a ceiling fan with the help of my lovely wife, and we both stood out in the thunderstorm a few minutes ago. Yep, I'm lovin' it. I now have to go check on the chicken we created, smells great from here.


Did you ever wonder

The other day I picked up a co-workers drink, some kind of ice tea, and read the nutrition label. I was a little shocked to see that this bottle was 3 serving sizes. I think this is a silent problem to the health of America, putting sodas and other surgery drinks in larger quantity bottles. Who is actually going to only drink one serving and then put the bottle away for later in the day? No one I know, you just keep drinking it until it is gone. Call me crazy, but I think it is helping to add to the fact that Americans have been slowly expanding their, uhh, "horizons".


Better late than never

I just wanted to wish a happy (somewhat belated) birthday to my friends Ben & William. Great minds think alike, but even better ones are born on the same day.