Inside my mind


Just a little something

Genesis 9:12-16: God continued, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and everything living around you and everyone living after you. I'm putting my rainbow in the clouds, a sign of the covenant between me and the Earth. From now on, when I form a cloud over the Earth and the rainbow appears in the cloud, I'll remember my covenant between me and you and everything living, that never again will floodwaters destroy all life. When the rainbow appears in the cloud, I'll see it and remember the eternal covenant between God and everything living, every last living creature on Earth."

Just in case anyone was wondering about what the rainbow used to, and still does, stand for.


Past Due

I fall so far behind the times, that by the time I rent a movie, the "coming soon to theaters" is already on DVD, and the "coming soon to video", is already in the bargin bin.


Turning a brown thumb green

As Wendy & I progress on cleaning up the front & back yards from dead grass & weeds, we start gathering ideas on how we want it all to look eventually. Desert landscaping sounds appealing, especially using plants that live on little to no water. I came up with an idea to use some desert grass as a hedge/fence for the front yard. I gathered up some seeds from an existing plant and I am going to see what develops in what I feel is a test stage. If I can successfully grow the stuff from a seed, we might move forward with the idea and get some wanted growth and color going in the front yard.


Summer Time!

It's officially summer! Time for me to go and hit the beach, work on my tan, & read a novel out by the pool. Oh wait, I work 5 days a week, live about 3 hours from a beach, am weary of skin cancer, and have no pool in the backyard. Guess I could still cook some burgers out on the back patio.


Baseball Game

2 tickets to a game at Chase Field to watch my favorite team, The St. Louis Cardinals: $27.95. Parking pass in Chase Field Garage: $10. A souvenir soda and some ice cream: $8.75. Watching Brendan Ryan hit a 3 run home run to help propel the Cards to a 5 to 2 victory: Priceless.

Click this link for a few more pictures I took. I forgot to take the camera in with me, so they are all cell phone quality, oops.


Song posting

This song just spoke to me so much this morning, so I had to post it.

TobyMac's "Get Back Up"