Making it obvious
Today on the way to work I noticed a license plate frame with the word "Realtor" on the top. On the bottom? The phrase "I sell homes". I was so glad that it said that and cleared up the confusion for me. Here I thought that Realtors sold life insurance, or tires, or realities. I can now sleep easy at night knowing that Realtors sell homes.
Hello again
Greetings from married land. I know it has been a while since I wrote something here, but fear not! Today, I come to you with a tip for breakfast on a weekend morning. Ever wanted waffles, but didn't want to mess with getting all the ingredients together, making a bunch of dirty dishes, and spending what feels like too long working on them? Well, if you have a 99 Cent Only store (or something similar) in your area, and a waffle maker, then you are in luck. I bought a dollar box of instant pancake batter, just add water. 1 Cup of mix to 3/4 cup of water would get me about 6 to 8 pancakes according to the box, but I discovered that if you pour it in a waffle maker, you can make 4 waffles, each set only taking about 4 minutes to cook. You can thank me later for this tip when you are passing the butter and syrup around the table at your place.
Happy Easter!
Greetings y'all. Just wanted to wish you all a happy Easter. It makes me happy to know I serve a God whose grace has no measure and no equal.
It aint easy being green
Has I was washing dishes last night I was pondering what it really means to "go green". Wendy and I keep away from paper plates, one less thing to buy at the store and it doesn't take that much more water to wash a regular plate or two at the end of the day with the rest of the dishes. I thought to myself that by not using paper plates we are doing the environment a favor and not adding extra to a landfill. Then I realized that since we wash all our dishes by hand, we are using a little bit more water in the process when we rinse them off. This left me wondering, am I saving landfill space but slowly draining the ocean? Eh, who knows, I got to get to work now.
A new beginning
As I type this I realize that it has been one week since Wendy and I said "I do". Disneyland was AWESOME!!! I got some cool pictures, and wanted to upload one here, but I am too lazy and worn out to pull out the memory card and load it up. I have to get going now, I am already getting hit with simple demands, also known as "honey-do's".