Inside my mind


Green Saturday!!

Well, if yesterday was black Friday, today for me and Wendy was green Saturday. Why you may ask? Well, if the picture provided any clue, we decorated our first tree together today. Wendy being the natural joker decided that she needed to warm her hands by the "fireplace". Happy late thanksgiving, and have a Merry Christmas!


Gobble gobble

Happy belated veteran's day, and happy early turkey day. Been a long time it seems, and I wish I had something more thought provoking to talk about. I did discover that on the interwebs there is a lot of useful information in the form of free recipes. However, I discovered that everyone and their grandma has a different way to cook pinto beans. Pre-soaking, no pre-soaking, 1 hour to cook, 10 hours over low heat, salt, no salt, bacon, no bacon, whole side of pork dipped in more pork, the list goes on and on. I say all this because for the first time today I attempted to make some beans. They were edible, and provided much entertainment a few hours later (go figure that one out), but they could have been better. The good news is that I have a few more pounds of the wonderful fruit, and plan on trying out a few more methods.