I <3 DTV...
...NOT!! At first, when I tried it out with a dtv converter box at my parents place I thought "whoa, nice picture!" Of course I was using coat hangers for an antenna so I couldn't get all the channels, but I thought to myself surely with an aerial antenna this will be better than analog. After moving to the house I discovered that one of the converter boxes was defective. Since it was bought with a government $40 coupon over 3 months ago, getting an exchange or refund would be difficult, so into the trash for it. My old, huge aerial antenna could only get the Mexican station, even after getting it higher into the air. I tried to make an antenna after seeing some tutorials online. That only cost me about $4 since I had most of the materials. Still no satisfaction, I am missing out on my Fox station. I am awaiting an antenna to be shipped to me, hopefully this should solve the problem. Grrrrr. I have spent money on converter boxes, cable, connectors, and an antenna. I am really not happy with the change over to digital, and even if i get all my stations I am still not sure I will be 100% happy with it due to all the hoops I have had to jump through.