Thats right
So over the holiday weekend I decided it was time to start tackling taming our back yard. I was given a free pass from the wife to go get some tools of destruction from Lowes: a rack and a hoe. After just a few minutes of work the hoe broke. Now, I should say that the rack cost about $17, and the hoe about $10. I took the broken hoe back to Lowes to just get my money back, and Wendy was with me. After we were credited the purchase back to us, we walked into the store a little bit and I glanced at the reciept. The cashier mistakenly gave us back the money for the rack, not the hoe. I was given the strict advice from my loving wife that we should let the cashier know so she could fix the mistake. She was either too lazy, or felt it would use up too much time, but she let it slide by by saying she didn't want to go through the 2 transactions to change the mistake, so error in our favor. So, not only did I break a piece of equipment, but Lowe's paid me $6 extra for bringing it back!