Inside my mind


Mow, mow, mow your boat...

This past weekend I was up to my ankles in one of the biggest crops of weed I have ever seen. It stretched out for what seemed like miles. The temptation to burn it all was intense, but I remained calm and cool. Instead, I fired up the ol weed wacker, and went to town. In case you are still wondering, I am talking about the fact that me and Wendy hacked back all the weeds that grew in our front yard. Free allergies were included. I cannot wait to do the back yard, it appears that there is not a single square foot that isn't overrun by what appears to be at least 3 different species of weeds. Anyone wanna come over and help? I'll let you have some of this "weed" for free!


Instant knowledge

As I was getting ready for church this morning, I noticed something on my head. I discovered that I have a gray hair. I double checked to make sure it wasn't from the cat, and its the real deal. I am not freaked out about it in the least. Instead, I look at this as a sign that I have gained wisdom at the ripe old age of 29.


Weeds & Sunshine

Over the course of the about a month we have received a good amount of rainfall here. This has led to the problem of weeds growing like crazy. At work there is a good patch of the vile, ugly things, but something about them caught my eye the other day. I noticed that as the sun rises and sets, the leaves turn and face the sun, tracking it to pull in the most amount of sunshine that it can. I sat and wondered about how this unlovable plant does its best to always face the sun. How much so in our own lives should we be attentive to the Son, Jesus Christ. Our lives have to hold more meaning for God than a weed, yet how often do we forgot to track Him down and stay focused on Him? The weed has been hardwired to focus on that light for growth, we as Christians need to focus on His light to also experience growth.