I love a good deal. This week I noticed that 16 oz packages of Bar S hot dogs were on sale at Fry's for 58 cents. To me that is a great deal, but wait, there's more! I also had in my possession a coupon for said hot dogs: Buy two, get $1 off. So, doing some simple math, I was able to buy 2 pounds worth of hot dogs for the low before tax price of $0.16. Guess what I'm cooking on the BBQ grill this memorial day weekend?
Smoke, no mirrors
Ran some Seafoam through the Sentra's engine to clean it out. Feels like it worked, but it was a little bit of a smoke show for a minute or two. Audio quality of the movie is bad since I had all the windows rolled down.
Ever wonder?
Ok, so we all know that it is called "underwear" because it goes "under" your clothing. What happens if you decide to walk around your house in only your underwear? Does that turn it into outerwear since it is under nothing?
Turning over a new leaf
Literally. Over the last few days I have become more interested in cultivating the great outdoors. Today Wendy & I began the long process of cleaning up all the weeds and grass from the backyard. We don't want to grow any grass due to the water requirements, but weeds seem to sprout up with the slightest bit of moisture. Also, we have a small area out front that we have always wanted to do something with. I found myself clearing that all out and trying to get some various plants to grow. Go figure that I start to take an interest in all of this with the weather starting to get hotter out.
May Flowers
So, they say that April showers bring May flowers. Well, how much flowers can you possibly get from 1.18 inches of recorded rain fall? Apparently enough to make me believe my nose was under attack a few times from pollen over the last month. Allergy medicine is proof that God loves me and wants me to be happy.
Ghetto, or awesome?
So, Wendy and I prefer to wash our dishes by hand. The way we see it, we save money on water, soap, and it doesn't take any electricity to do them by hand. I know the whole "time is money" argument, but it gives me a chance to either quietly reflect by myself, or listen to some Alistair Begg. I decided a few weeks ago to try out a new idea. I got rid of our old dish strainer that was small and looking like it had seen better days. From then on, I have used the dishwasher to hold the dishes as they dry. Its a winning situation all around: We gained more counter space, and the dishes can be tucked away and out of sight until it is time to put them away. What do you think? Is this idea great, or is it taking us back to the stone age?

Long time no write
Yes, I know it has been a while. To be honest, there have been countless time I wanted to write something, but just never got around to a keyboard. Summer is not officially here yet, but with temperatures near 100 where I live, I say it is here.Also, the A/C unit got turned on for the first time last night, yet another sign. Today is the day before mother's day, so I am obligated to say... Word to your mother!! Nothing huge to talk about at the moment. I am going to attempt cooking baked potatoes on a BBQ later today for some friends coming over, hopefully I don't set the place on fire.