The president of Jesus Freak Racing, that's who. Thanks to the crew of Johnny Yuma's Bicycles I got hooked up with a brand new 2004 GT Avalanche 3.0 mountain bike, and it didn't even make it one day stock. Before it left the store I added a chain stay guard and kick stand, then once I got it home I got rid of the stock seat for my gel one. I also added on my lights and water bottle holder, now this 21 speed silver and black beast is on its way to helping me be king of the streets yet again. After the one month break in period I will make a few more adjustments and customizations, then I dare anyone to take me on.
Shop bike pt. 2
Well, in the process of trying to take apart the one part that would decide if I continued forward with the project or not, I hit a road block. Actually it was more like a dead end with a cliff. I damaged a part that would make it impossible to further try to take it apart, so that kills this project. Kinda par for the course with me, I try to undertake something I have not done before and it might be a little above my head, and I go down in flames. Well, at least I had some fun along the way, and I got two good tires out of the ordeal, and I am better prepared for the next time I ever decide to do something like this.
Shop bike?
At car shops that customize you can generally count on finding one thing: the shop truck. It might be a rolling showpiece or something that has had just a few modifications done to it. It is a truck that is used by the shop for special runs to the store and sometimes shows off the work they can do, or even forever be a work in progress until it gets replaced by a newer truck. I want to create something like that, but since my budget doesn't allow for a car, I am going with something more my size: a bicycle. I am stripping apart an old school 10 speed schwinn mountain bike, and I plan to re-use some of the parts to keep cost down, and spray paint it flat black primer. Basically make it into something that will be for short trips to the store, but still be somewhat pleasant to look at, and look like it is not finished when it actually is. I am still stripping the frame down, if I like what I see this project may be a go.
How funny
I got a piece of junk mail today that made me laugh while I threw it away. I received an offer to get a year of Playboy magazine for $1 an issue. Since I am a business major let me break down a cost/benefit analysis. Cost: $12 for one year. Benefit: temporary happiness. Now, that was a worldly analysis, let me now break down a spiritual cost/benefit analysis. Cost: My soul, my mind, my heart, and my salvation. Benefit: none. That is why I laughed, I would have to be pretty dumb to accept an offer like that.
Please stay on the line
So we got some rainy weather rolling into the area the next two days. I say bring it on, I enjoy the rain. Work has been good, and I have found ways to keep busy and out of trouble outside of work. I took down the only Christmas decorations I had up this year: the lights in my car and bow on the grill, I ran out of time to decorate my room. Well, that is all for now, I don't know what else to say.
Happy birthday Jesus!!
You truly gave us a gift that will never go out of style, never break or wear out, and it could never be exchanged or returned for anything better. Happy birthday Jesus, and thank you for giving me that gift. If there are any of you out there reading this who don't know the Lord or don't have a personal relationship with Him, I would strongly recommend you get to know Him, because He is waiting to meet you. :-)
4 letter word
I decided to look up a word that while it is not a "dirty" word, it is one we should be careful with. The word is: hate. Looking up a definition for it, it is defined as the following: "To feel bitter hostility or deep-seated animosity toward, to detest. The next time you decide to use the word hate to describe someone you know, think about this definition, and ask yourself if you really should use this ugly little 4 letter word.
Busy busy busy
That is why I have not posted anything the last few days. I am so looking forward to Thursday and Friday, I don't have to work then. I get to go out on a light tour tonight with some friends and family, getting excited about that. Wendy sees the doctor today, she might get the boot off her foot and be able to just wear a normal shoe :-) Well, that is all for now, God bless.
Look out weekend
The weekend, for most people it starts on Friday evening and ends on Sunday evening. The weekend carries a little more meaning for me when I am working, I actually feel like I have earned those few days of rest, and use them for things I can't normally do during the week. Already I know I have to go cash my check, I think I need to wash off all the mud on my car, and I should clean my room a little bit. I also know I will be getting to help out at church by being a parking lot attendant, that is always fun. Look out weekend, here I come, I wonder what all is in store for me.
Words, they form sentences, and sentences can form meanings and get ideas across. Sometimes there are words that are better left unsaid. I got the privilege last night to meet an individual who is slightly mentally handicapped, but wanted to attend bible study. He explained to the group how much it hurts to be called retarded by people who are mean and inconsiderate, because they just don't want to take the time to understand. What he said almost tore my heart to pieces, because he is pretty competent and can do things, but being called that name out of hate makes him think he is worthless and can't do anything, and he went on to say that if you ask other mentally challenged people they might tell you the same. When we resort to name calling because we can't stand someone or we just don't understand, we are no better then the name we just used. God bless you Tim, I know you may never see this, but you talking that night made me realize again just how much power can be in our words to both heal and hurt.
I truly feel like I am part of the holidays this season. I have gifts I am trying to wrap up and send out of town, but I am running short on time to get them done, they might not go out in the mail until this weekend along with all my Christmas cards. It is during times like these I am thankful for priority mail from the U.S. Postal Service. Oh, I also wanted to say have a safe trip to Melissa and her family, you best all return safe and in one piece.
Happy birthday & stuff
First off, I wanted to wish a big happy birthday to my friend Jennifer. Also, I would like to say lots of encouragement to her, Wendy, Deborah, Jon, Laura, and anyone else who reads this that is going through a finals week at college. You all have worked really hard this semester, and all your hard work is about to pay off. Got all my Christmas shopping done, now I just have to find the time to wrap stuff up and mail some other stuff off.
I believe that word translates from Greek to mean "to enlighten", I say it stands for something really cool. I was handed a CD by a band called Photizo the other day, a free gift from a friend of my aunt who received it, but didn't want it. Since my aunt knows I listen to Christian music she passed it along because it appeared to be Christian. I checked it out, listened to it, and all I can say is if you like groups like Salvador & Re:zound, you will love Photizo. You can tell by their accents that they are of some sort of Hispanic/Latin background, and even do 3 of their songs completely in Spanish. Very moving and nicely done album, it is their first CD and I think if it goes over well enough this will not be the last we hear from these talented Christian rockers. Their website can be found here, but if you have a 56k or lower connection you will be waiting for days for anything to load.
Go go go
Ok, here is what is going on today and tomorrow for me. Right now I am at work until 4. I get off work and go home to shower, eat, and be outside with our Christmas display. I will get to bed probably around 10pm or later. I will get back up around 1:50am to do some very early morning Christmas shopping with Wendy. Get home from that, sleep until about 7:30am. Eat breakfast and go ring bells for the Salvation Army from 9am to noon. After all that I think I will just want to curl up and sleep.
Learning to breathe
Hello, good morning, how you do? What makes your rising sun so new? I could use a fresh beginning too, all of my regrets are nothing new. So this is the way that I say I need You. This is the way that I'm learning to breathe, I'm learning to crawl. I'm finding that You and You alone can break my fall. I'm living again, awake and alive. I'm dying to breathe in these abundant skies.
Late night shopping
Ever been shopping at your local Wal-Mart? Ever shopped there at about 2 in the morning? I recommend you try it at least one time in your life, you can park in a good spot and the lines at the registers are short. Me and Wendy went shopping at 2am at Wal-Mart last year, and we are planning on doing it again this weekend. I am planning on wearing my PJ's to the store, should be fun.
What do I want for Christmas?
I have been asked that a few times so far this holiday season. I really can't give a good answer. I have a car that is in good running order, I used to joke about wanting something like that, so that is marked off the list. I could say one thing I want, but it might get me in trouble with Wendy, because she does read my posts. Ok, I'll say it, if she where to put a bow on her head it would be the coolest nicest present I ever got :-)
Rainy day feeling
It has been raining in my hometown a lot this afternoon and evening. I love the rain, lately when it rains I like to watch it and be reminded of God's mercy. Rain comes down from above, and washes over everything, and when it is done it helps things to be nurished and grow. The same can be said for us when we ask God for mercy, it washes over us from above and helps us to grow.
Sad, sad news
It has just been reported that Santa Claus might spend Christmas in jail. Turns out criminal charges have been filed against him by authorities in every single state. Just last year alone he trespassed in over 1 million homes in the U.S. "He appears to be a professional", one police officer said, "There is never any damage done to the locks of the house, and he is able to defeat all security systems." He will be tried in court soon, but the only problem is he cannot be found, and he seems to have body duplicates everywhere.
Job opportunities
So I turned in a resume to a dental office the other day. I applied there because I have some experience with what they want done, and they even advertised that you don't need previous experience. I got a call this morning asking if I wanted to work a temporary assignment for the next 2 to 3 weeks doing data entry, basically helping a company change over computer operating systems. It is not permanent, but it will help to bring in some money. A buddy of mine also told me that where he works they want to open a new position that is basically his old position, and it will start part time and work up from that, he told me he will keep me informed and I am first on the list of potential people to fill that spot. All in all my job hunting has been going good the last 2 days, now if I can just land an opening. God is good, and I am trying, so something has to happen eventually.
Ta Da!
So, I sprinkled a little bit of magic dust, adjusted some html code, crossed my fingers, and this is what I have ended up with. So I admit that this new blog looks a little strange compared to the journal I had on my website, but I kinda like it. Today should be interesting, my dad is going to play Santa for some hospital employee party, which means I have to come along and make sure he gets back home in one piece. Take care and God bless.
Welcome to the party
God, I'm in this place again, trying so hard not to fall, but everything keeps coming down with the rain, and I try so hard that I forget to call. Everybody's looking around and wants to be found, and I'm just hanging on. I give You all that I am. I come to You with all that I am, I bring to You all that I have, and all I have is nothing and I keep on trying, and all I want is You. Everybody's looking around and wants to be found, and I'm just hanging on. I give You all that I am.