Inside my mind


Open Letter to Barack Obama

Dear Mr. President,
I would like to unceremoniously and begrudgingly thank you for what you did recently. You decided that the first act of your presidency would be to overturn the Mexico City Policy. This now means that taxpayers money can now be put towards funding abortions in places outside of our borders. As if the economy is bad enough, and we are having to pay out tax dollars to somehow fix it, you decide to throw away more money. As for the issue of abortion, I am very much pro-life, and I am glad my mom never thought about terminating me. I heard your mom was a single parent, aren't you glad she didn't terminate you? She could have very easily decided she wasn't ready, or wasn't in a position to care for a child. No, she obviously believed that life has value, all life. I hope she is ashamed that her own son would choose to help make abortions easier and more affordable for women in the same situation that she was once in. The Declaration of Independence states that "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Whether or not you believe in God is one thing, but our founding fathers thought that out of everything in life that matters, protecting life was at the top of the priorities. If you forgot this fact maybe you should go back and read it. Personally I like what is said directly after that:
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

According to this statement, the best course of action for change that I can see is to get rid of you as well as all your appointees, because you are obviously going to use your power for destructive purposes.

It is now time for me to draw this letter to a close. It is with an unapologetic heart that I say I will be praying for you to make better decisions than this in your term of office, and I hope the cry of the undead haunts you in your sleep and makes you regret and reverse your position on the issue.

-Manuel P.


3 day weekend... uggggh...........

Hello all. I trust and hope that everyone had a good 3 day weekend. Mine was a little bit of an adventure. On Saturday I woke up feeling weird. I told myself that I had things to do, so I pushed on. After only doing about 2 things on my to-do list I basically sat around the rest of the day popping advil and hoping Sunday would be better. Sunday came, along with a temp of around 102, so I had to make a trip to urgent care. Strep throat was the verdict, and good drugs were handed over thanks to the people at the Wal-Mart pharmacy.
The rest of my Sunday, and Monday, were spent indoors doing pretty much nothing. I did watch some football, and was pleased with the outcome of both games. Arizona is my home state, and my dad and uncle Mario love the Steelers, so all was right with the world on Sunday afternoon. On occasion I kept seeing advertisements for the Sham-Wow. What I want to know is how in the world can a towel that soaks up so much water be washed in the washing machine? Seems to me that it would take extra water because of how much it would soak up. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?


Random thought for the day

If you work your fingers to the bone everyday, eventually you'll end up with two useless hands.


Back to the grind

To all the teachers across the US heading back into school or getting back into the daily grind after Christmas break, I salute you. Teacher was never a job that interested me, but I believe it is a noble profession. Jesus himself was called a teacher, and God instructed us to train up a child in the way he should go. To any teachers reading this post, keep up the good work


A few things

Ever notice how when asked what you do not like about yourself you are quick to create a list, but when you are asked to say what you like about yourself you can't think of as much? I know some people are more positive than others, but it seems that a majority of us feel like we are pulling teeth to find things nice to say about ourselves. I'll admit that I have been hard on myself throughout the years. I have even been down on myself lately when helping to plan out this wedding. I default to feeling like I am dumb if something in the planning is not working out like it should or it feels we have no say in matters that should be up to us. Thankfully I get reminded along the way that there are good attributes about me, that I need to go easier on myself.



First off, random thought for the day: Did you know that America has to be the only country that would combine french toast, english muffins, and canadian bacon, and call it an All American Breakfast?

Ok, show of hands, who reading this post made a new years resolution? Ok, you can put your hand back down. I think that while it is noble to say you are going to work at doing something that will improve or enrich your life, I think it is done too much on the spur of the moment. We get caught up in the excitment and freshnes of the new year that we sometimes go off the deep end and promise to do things we normally wouldn't. For those who do make resolutions and are able to stick to them, I applaude you. I guess we should always be looking for ways to improve ourselves and the quality of our lives, but we also should set resonable goals and not compare ourselves directly to one another.


Re-tooled for a new year

Welcome back boys and girls, miss me? I came back to post tonight because I couldn't resist messing with the HTML, and added on a countdown timer over on the right. I think it looks pretty nice, and to my knowledge it shows up properly in Firefox as well as Explorer (holy cow, guess I am a little bit white 'n nerdy).
Not a whole much to talk about in my life. Work is keeping me busy and helping to pay the bills, especially the wedding coming up. I keep going back and forth between feeling really excited, to feeling worried and nervous. Its the biggest decision you can make in your life. Ok, maybe it is the second biggest decision. Why you might ask? Well, I look at my decision to follow Christ as the biggest one I ever made, and just like a marriage it needs time, work, dedication, and communication to grow and function. I'll admit that I haven't put in enough of these things into my relationship with God, but Wendy helps to steer me back on course, and even persuaded me to start up doing some devotional time with her again about everyday.
Around November or so I thought me and Wendy were ahead of the game when it came to planning out this wedding, but now I realize there is just under three months to go, and the list of things to-do appears to be gaining mass and rearing its ugly head at me. I know that if I can keep a somewhat level head it will all come into place. I am glad we had about 8 months to plan this all out, and I am glad it only happens once, I almost feel sorry for a friend of ours Melissa. She ended up being taken to NY for a few days, and in the process her boyfriend Davey proposed to her, and their wedding is being planned for around the middle of the year. Congrats to you both!!!!! May you keep from going crazy pulling all the details together! LOL.

Ok, enough blabbing from me, time to call it a night.