One day left to go
As I sit and type this, the countdown is at 1 day and 3 hours. I have a little over half of my stuff moved over, I have not yet packed for the honeymoon, I still have a few things at the store to pick u,. and I am running on nerves. All of these things will be fully taken care of between now and the next week or so, but its the nervousness, or what Wendy calls "butterflies", that I am most looking forward to getting rid of. I guess that won't go away until we actually say "I do" and survive one 24 hour period together as husband and wife. I guess throughout our married life there will be times where I will be nervous in my role as husband, but right now looking into filling that role has me shaking in my skin.
I want to send a very thank you out to everyone and anyone who has wished us well and told us that they believe in us and what we are setting out to do. Thank you to everyone along the way that has helped us out in our relationship and getting the wedding planned and taken care of. Big thanks to people past, present and future who have taken the time to pray for us, it means so much to us. And finally, I would like to thank my bride-to-be Wendy for seeing past the rough edges of my exterior and looking within me and seeing something worthy and lovable. I love you dear, and look forward to what is down the road for us.
Ok, I would like to take this moment to say I am disappointed with Quiznos. The reason why is the new sandwich they are advertising: The Torpedo. 13 inches long, and only $4. Don't get it. The sandwich is tiny compared to other subs, including $5 foot longs from Subway and Blimpie's. Good for a small fill in, but not much else.
Oh, and while on the topic of disappointment, I would also like to include Juno, the ISP provider that advertises service for $9.95/month. From the time I first started paying for my dial-up connection until this week I had no problem with it. That was until I called in to cancel my service. My biggest mistake was answering the question "why are you cancelling service?" truthfully. If asked, lie. Tell them that you are cutting back expenses in your budget to help make ends meet. I told them I got a new ISP, and instead of just cancelling my service the lady kept insisting I needed to buy a new feature that would help during times my ISP was not up and working. After trying to understand her mumbling and frantic taking, I kept telling her I was only interested in cancelling. After having to raise my voice and almost yelling at her to make sure she had heard me clearly, she finally agreed to cancel my service. I will keep a close watch of my credit card statements to make sure they are staying true to their word. I used to recommend them, but after today my new recommendation is to stay clear of them.
Last weekend of freedom in the books
So this last weekend of me being a bachelor has come and gone. I feel I got a lot done, but it wasn't all fun and games. Moving stuff, fixing stuff, building stuff, it was all a barrel of, well, stuff. One small thing that I like at this point is that if Wendy wants to borrow something of mine, I can simply leave it at the house and tell her she doesn't have to return it. That makes one less thing I have to worry about finding a place for in the house.
Single digits, and I <3 moving
Just this past week I realized that the countdown to me being married slipped into single digits. I am running a little in panic mode as I realize that while stuff with the wedding is pretty much all taken care of, I have done little on the aspect of getting all my stuff ready to move. I completed the task of moving my computer desk over, that was something I do not want to do again since I had to take it all apart to be able to get it out the door and into its new home. I cringe when I look at my entertainment center, it too will have to be dismantled in order to get it on down the road. I did set up a closet for some of my clothes, a small victory for me. That was until Wendy pointed out that closet should have a shelf in it. *sigh*, another project on my new found "honey-do" list.
Small victory
I had a small but satisfying victory today: I put the finishing touches on a shed I had been putting together in the backyard of Wendy's place. It tried to defeat me many times. First there was the fact that I had to get a rain check on it because it was always out of stock when I went. Then came having to make several trips to Lowe's to get all the materials to make the foundation. No sooner than I put all the wood down and secured it, we had a light sprinkle, and I didn't have a tarp big enough to completely cover it (the wood warped ever so slightly, but its livable). Getting through the rest of the building process saw me unable to comprehend small complex diagrams and having to do some steps a second time because I messed up the first time. It drew some blood two weekends in a row (sharp metal edges are NOT your friend). Even today, I had to keep double checking the diagrams and instructions to figure out how to put the last small pieces on. Once the last screw was in place I breathed a huge sigh of relief and I am glad I survived this ordeal. I have to give credit where it is due and thank Wendy for the help, encouragement, and slap upside the head when it was needed.

Greetings everyone. I just wanted to take a minute and say I have enjoyed this weekend because it was time for the annual Midnight at the Oasis classic car show.Tons of cool cars, great people, and even Dennis Gage made an appearance as our grand marshal. He got some footage and interviews from the event that will air sometime next year on the speed channel. The closest I have ever probably come to a celebrity, he drove a golf cart by me as he was checking out all the vehicles. I wanted to once again offer up some pictures, but the thought of resizing and uploading almost 100 pictures on a 56K connection was too much to comprehend. So instead, gaze lovingly at the picture I posted up above, it was one of the many great examples this year's show had to offer.
Good times man, good times. Oh, and to the driver of the T-Bucket who did a burnout during the parade despite the overabundance of cops this year: YOU ROCK!!
Iced Tea??
I realized something the other day: how in the world can "Iced Tea" come in a can? If it is in a can, there can be no ice. If the drink is not iced down, it would simply be tea. You are not given a complimentary bag of cubes to put into a glass to enjoy your tea when you purchase the drink, so I think this is false advertisement. I think all drink manufacturers should start re-naming it to something more appropriate, like "Chilled Tea".
3 weekends of freedom left
At work my supervisor made up a countdown calendar to hang on the wall and mark off the days with a highlighter to count down to my wedding. When it was first put up I believe there was 223 days left to go. I knew that the day seemed like it was so far off, but I reminded myself that before i knew it I would be getting ready to say "I do". Looking at that same calendar I jokingly tell my co-workers how many weekends of freedom I have left, but in actuality its more like weekends of work. The weekends provide the most free time to get last minute things done, and I am starting to panic because I thought we were a lot closer to being ready! I guess I get a small break from wedding stuff this weekend due to Wendy being out of town on Saturday, and I have her blessing to go enjoy myself at the local car show, but I can't allow myself to get too relaxed just yet. It kinda feels like a few pebbles known as "little things" are starting to stack up and resemble a mountain.