This is my brand new day starting now I let go the things that weigh me down and rob me of the beauty that's to be found and life all around.
This is my prayer without ceasing, the negative releasing, and as I rise above my burden is easing
I bring the pure flow, water around, the rocks of life won't pull me down. I bring the pure flow, drink so deep, the river of life my soul at ease. I bring the pure flow, water around, the rocks of life won't pull me down. I bring the pure flow, rising above the storms of life to live and love.
"Pure" - Superchick
Odd, I didn't work today, and I didn't do too much today to say I was pushed, but right now I feel really worn out. Ever have a day like that?
Easter, the rest of the Christmas story
Today we remember when Jesus rose to take His place at the right hand of the Father. He sits there anxiously awaiting all of us to come home one day for good, but unless we acknowledge Him then He won't know we are just as willing to be with Him as well. Jesus loves us no matter what, we can't be perfect, that is why He died in our place taking with Him the burden of sin. I am forever grateful that Jesus loves me, and is willing to forgive me when I goof up. Thank you Lord for choosing to take that beating and then being nailed to that cross, and then rising up out of the grave to prepare a place for me. I love you Jesus.
I love BBQ's. Nothing like cooking meat over fire outdoors with some friends and family and playing a few games as well. I have been invited to an afternoon BBQ at a friends house, and then right after that there is a BBQ happening here at my parents house. I plan on going to both and getting fat and happy for today.
Spring Break
I never thought I would say this again, but Spring Break is here! Yes, a week where students, teachers, and everyone else needed to run a school are given a week off. Love peace and ball bearing grease to y'all.
Here comes that rainy day feeling again
Got another storm coming through the area again. Kinda bites because there is a elementary school district track meet tomorrow, and the kids participating in it have been looking forward to it. In other news, well, not much else for news. I guess I will take a moment to say hi to Wendy, and thanks for the times when you provide a little extra help when I end up in need of a little extra push.
It is such an ugly little word. I had been pondering that word the last few days and how the bible talks about it, and examining any guilt I have. I can't lie, I have to say that I have felt guilty for many things in my life, some for longer periods then others. I know the bible says we should not dwell on guilt, that instead we should forgive and/or ask for forgiveness, and then move on. Simple, right? Then why is it I sometimes don't let it go that easily? I came to the conclusion that part of the time I make myself feel guilty when actually I did nothing wrong, and the rest of the time I have allowed myself to feel guilt because I thought what I had done was beyond the apology I gave, kinda like I was further punishing myself for whatever was done.
Someday the mountain might get 'em
So I went with a buddy of mine today out to where we have some mountain bike trails on the outskirts of town. All I can say is my butt was kicked all up and down those hills. Few times I had to put my feet down to keep from going to far out of control, and once I had to jump off the bike, I was starting to fall over to one side which was a drop off, and I didn't feel like having the bike fall down on top of me so I pushed it away. Surprisingly enough I do not have a single scratch on me and never fell on the ground once. My bike received a few battle scars, but it happens. Now if you'll excuse me I think I am going to curl up in a ball on the couch and not move for a few hours.
Power source
I think I know where we could get power from if this world ever experienced a major energy crisis. It would be tricky, and hard to collect, but I think we should tap into the youth of America. Think about it, most of them are hyper and seem to have never ending energy, what if all that energy could be collected, stored, and used?
Simple instructions
I was sitting and pondering something this evening: simple instructions. I informed a 5th grade girl today that the reason she got in trouble and was being sent back to her classroom early was because she couldn't follow simple instructions (mainly listening to the teacher and following instructions). I thought on that a little bit longer and realized that every one of us is guilty at times for not following simple instructions. People get pulled over every day for speeding, but there are speed limit signs posted all over the place. I cut myself on a knife a few weeks ago, but as far back has I can remember everyone has always told me to go slowly and cut away from myself and I will be ok, the finger that received the cut was right in the path of the knife. God tells us to be kind to one another but at times our emotions can get the better of us. I guess it doesn't matter if you are old and wise, or still in grade school, we all need to be careful to follow those simple little instructions in life or we will get in trouble for it.
So there is a new SAT out for high school kids, and experts are worried that the teens are going to do worse then ever on the writing section because of chatting and cell phone text messages. Instead of typing out words like "today" or "great", they get shortened down to "2day" and "gr8". I don't know how they will do, but I know that chatting and typing out e-mails helps to keep my limited typing skills going, without those two things it might be weeks before I ever have to type something out. This would be a disadvantage for me at times in the past because one of the requirements of certain jobs I applied for was meeting a certain typing speed and accuracy rating on a typing test of their choice.
Greetings. I wanted to post something today but I have nothing to say, so take care and God bless :-)
Beware, I bite back
So I said a few days my computer was acting up, well I decided to fight back against it. It is now back up and running like nothing ever happened. Work has been going good for me, and in a way I kinda feel like a teacher, because I have to make up something like a lesson plan this weekend.
Whenever I get a place of my own, I know the carpet I want. I want the kind of carpet you can find in schools, that stuff that always seems to be some boring, bland color and it is found in every room. Sure, it might not look like much, but it seems to clean up easily and can handle more foot traffic then you can imagine. Just a warning, don't take me too seriously on that, I am just joking around.
Grrr and stuff
I have finally had it up to here with my computer. It has given me problems before, but I have been able to limp it along without too much trouble. Now today it decides to lock up or give me the blue screen of death for no reason. I have tried deleting programs that I thought might be causing the problem and it still will stop working for no good reason. How hard is it for a computer to run two IE browser windows at the same time? Apparently that is asking way to much for my heap of junk now, only thing I can do online now is use internet explorer in one window, and making sure no other windows open, and forget about trying to chat or use firefox. I am seriously debating about saving up some money from my new job once the paychecks start coming in and replace this junk pile, got my eye on Dell.com. In other not-so-frustrating news I have started a new stair master exercise program. The classroom I help out in is located on the second floor, so a few times a day I am walking up and down stairs, I should have legs of steel by the end of the semester.
I like the sound of that
Something cool about working at a school and being older then 20, the kids all have to address you by "Mr./Mrs./Ms./Miss" and your last name. I find this kinda cool, makes me feel important, because all other jobs up until this point I have been called by my first name or "hey you". I do feel a little bad for the kids though, because I have a mexican last name that can be tricky for some people to pronounce.
I have a lot on my mind, but don't know what to say, ever have a day like that? I learned that leadership roles change depending upon the situation, but any leadership role is going to require a lot of work, effort, and time. That being said I stepped down tonight from a leadership role I have talked about on here: Youth group leader. The work wasn't too bad, and I guess I could have put in more effort, but it was the time part that was killing me. I couldn't completely wrap my life around the scheduled times and events that I needed to be at, so I made the choice tonight to step aside. I guess I should thank anyone and everyone who ever offered me prayers and advice about this position when I first started it, I wanted to give it my all but I just wasn't the kind of person that was needed for this position.
"Life is always full of new beginnings, but in order to get to a beginning something must end. A new beginning means going from something you know to the unknown."
--Wendy T.
First day back
Ahhhh, it feels good to be back in the workforce. I would rather work Monday through Friday then sit around at home. I still enjoy the weekends, but it feels good to put forth some effort into something that will be good (and help my bank account to stay in the black). So far so good, I got to meet the kid I am going to shadow and help out over the rest of the school year, got to meet some of his friends and see how he interacts with others, and get familiar with the school grounds. Tomorrow should be fun for Friday, the kids are having a track and field meet. After that it is time for my favorite time of the year in my hometown: a weekend long car show for 1972 and older cars and trucks. I am a car nut and always look forward to this weekend. Love peace and ball bearing grease to y'all.
And so it begins
Filled out some paperwork today, and I was told I will be starting tomorrow at 8am. I am going to be working at a local elementary school, and my job will be to oversee a student who needs a little extra assistance. I am both excited and nervous, I was told I was the best person for the job, but I have never done a job like this, lol.
For those that don't know, my title is a geek expression of happiness. I am happy because I got a call telling me that I can work for the school system if I give them a few copies of some stuff. This is too cool, especially since I was worried at first that I might have to wait for up to half a month to get the ok to work, but I prayed about it and a few people even prayed for me that I would hear about this job sooner then I hoped for. Can't wait to get started. :-)