So today I decided I need to spend a few days cleaning up my room, the dust bunnies are starting to plot against me. Then I realized something: Why is it I am so unmotivated to clean my room and have to force myself to do it, but it is nothing for me to go and spend a few hours cleaning my car? I spend more time in my room, but I will spend almost a whole day making sure my car looks nice and clean, ready to impress whoever might see it or ride in it. Welcome to my life, it is strange at times.
Award shows
Seems like it is that time of year where awards are passed out to people who pretend to be something else all for the sake of entertainment. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good movie, and like watching something with some good acting, but I think the amount of award shows and the hype behind them is way too overdone. So, I am going to pull out my little soapbox, stand on it, and announce I am going to pass out some awards for real things, things that deserve to be acknowledged and applauded. So without further ado, here I go in no particular order. I present my parents with an award for having the spirit of loving and caring, from birth until the present my every need has been met and I have never had to worry about having a roof over my head or having food to eat. To my girlfriend Wendy, an award for having the spirit of compassion and helping, she has been there countless times for me has well has others, offering everything from an ear to listen to having to do hard labor. To my friend Melissa, an award for having the spirit of generosity, always willing to open her home, life, and wallet to those around her. To my friend Jennifer, an award for having the spirit of overcoming, her ability to weather a storm has been an inspiration to those around her. To a guy known has "chrischris" (a.k.a. "Adam"),an award for having the spirit of a servant's heart, and wanting to be all that God boldly made him to be. Last but not least, an award for the Pastors of my church, Steve and LaCinda, for having the spirit of God within them, and sharing it with others on a daily basis. All awards are final, if you feel you should have gotten one then let me know, and all decisions are final.
Empty me
Holy fire, burn away my desire, for anything, that is not of You, and is of me, I want more of You and less of me. Empty me, empty me, and fill, wont you fill me with You, with You.
Surprise, surprise
Just when I though it was safe to relax, I got surprised three different times during my birthday. I guess what goes around comes around, I like to sneak up on people, this time people sneaked up on me, lol. First surprise was a BBQ that I thought was just an ordinary BBQ, until I got there and every sang happy birthday. Then there was bible study last night, the kind people there brought in a sugar free pie and ice cream and they all signed a card. Then there was this morning, I woke up to find papers with pictures of me on them taped on all the windows of my mustang, it was one final surprise done by my girlfriend Wendy, and a friend of ours Melissa. I know one thing for sure, God has blessed me over and above with the people in my life.
Getting old
Today is my birthday, turned 24. I decided to go out to the two swap meets we have here in town, all I can say is that if you are looking for a shopping experience that is outside of the ordinary, go to one. Also, I got sore from all the walking around I did, guess my age was showing or something.
Sense of smell
Ever notice how the things that smell nice seem to last for just a little while, while the things that smell unpleasant seem to hang around forever? Maybe I am off base here or something, but its just a thought that came to mind. I will tell you what, I love that new car smell, but if a company ever made it into a perfume for women then I would be in trouble.
Choose life
I went to a memorial service for someone I sorta kinda knew today. He was basically my boss back in the day, but he was really high up and I was at the bottom level, so we really didn't talk much, just kinda saw each other around. They said that he was someone who lived life to the fullest, and it reminded me of the verse Deuteronomy 30:19, which says: "I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live." Life and death are both laid out in front of us on a daily basis, we need to choose life. I am so glad I have chosen life, through it I have met some of the most incredible, encouraging, and loving people I might not have had the opportunity to meet had I gone the other way.
If you really are what you eat, then I might want to re-think the crab salad I am thinking about eating at dinner.
Bloggers block
definition: I want so much to post something worthwhile or witty here today, but nothing is coming to mind. I know, my birthday is coming up, I kinda keep forgetting that. I have a few interesting memories connected to my birthday. There are three girls that are friends, a close circle that I can completely trust, and on more then one birthday occasion these girls decided to re-decorate personal property. One time it was my room, the other time it was my truck, both times things like toilet paper and colored streamers where involved. Oh course I have to say that I found it all quite funny, and I even took the opportunity to get some revenge of my own on a few occasions.
Shopping thoughts
Ever notice how at most major stores you can be hard pressed to find anything good or decent for $1 or less? Yet chances are there is a 99 cent store somewhere in town that is full with items that are useful, and at the low price of $1. Also, have you ever dreaded trying to buy a certain item because you didn't know if you could find it anywhere else, and you feel like avoiding the one place you can count on to find it? I faced that today, I am in the market for some bike riding gloves and my parents are going to pay for them has a birthday gift. Well, the major bike store we have in town is no longer getting my business due to the fact that they forgot along the way that the customer is important. A newer, smaller bike shop by the name of Johnny Yuma's has some gloves, but nothing I like. Same can be said about Target and Wal-Mart. I guess I have to just grin and bear it and go to the evil big bike store soon if I ever want another good pair of gloves.
Your ways, I want to know Your ways, I want to know more of You, I want your peace and faithfulness. You've shown your faithfulness in all you've given for me for eternity, for eternity. Always, You're always here for me. I'm sheltered under your wings. You love me faithfully, You're faithful to me. I'm sheltered under Your wings. You are the King of Kings.
--"Always" by Re:zound
--"Always" by Re:zound
How cool
The first real election in Iraq happened without any major incident, very cool. However, I just read a news article online about how the people that lost in that election are going to contest the results. Welcome to democracy, I think they where paying close attention to us when we had our presidential election between Al Gore and George W. Bush. Hopefully this situation will come to a quick close and those who have won will be shown to have the victory fairly and honestly. In local news I think all the rain we had recently is finally drawing to a close. Been nice having the change of weather but I have all but given up on ever washing my car again, each time I finally decide the weather is nice enough to wash it the rain ends up coming back. In personal news God is good all the time, and all the time God is good.
Yeah, I know, been a few days since my last post, so I will try to make this one really interesting. Guns, missiles, rockets, bombs, weapons of mass destruction, and anything else that fits into that category, its kinda funny if you ponder them for a little bit. I mean, mankind invented weapons to help protect himself, make him feel safe. So why is it no country truly feels safe and feels the need to keep stock piling weapons and spending money on their military? Simple, because the rest of the world has guns, missiles, rockets, bombs, and weapons of mass destruction. So funny and odd to think about that, the very things that where created to make someone feel safe are the very same they feel they need to protect themselves from.
Yeah, I guess I'm hardcore
So today I went out really quick to the local skate park with a buddy of mine and two guys from the junior high youth group. We rode some bikes around there to just have some fun and even pull off a few tricks. Well, we started to ride away from there and found a dirt mound on the outskirts of the parking lot. We all started to ride up and over it in different directions, then something inside me told me to just go for it. I picked an approach, got up some speed, and then..... Well, it wasn't pretty, the approach I picked was kinda bumpy, so I lost track of where the top of the mound was, and forgot to pull up on the handle bars. The result was I ended up catching some air, but my front tire hit first. It caught a rut, and pulled the back half of the bike forward. My head and part of my face where introduced to the ground, and I ended up off the bike in a position where I quickly pulled myself up into a sitting position. My face has a few scratches, the top of my left hand hurts a little bit, and my neck is a little sore, but my bike is completely fine, and I hopped back on and rode has soon as I caught my breath. Go big or go home, I guess.
An open letter
I guess I am writing this has a public apology for yesterdays posting. My blog allows me another outlet in my life to express things. Yesterday I turned to my blog to express how I felt, and looking back now it wasn't as bad as I made it all sound. I had an open and honest conversation with the Lord, things where revealed to me, and I went to an individual and told them what I needed to. Thank you to those who offered prayers and encouragement. God is good.
Did you ever?
Did you ever become your worst nightmare? You told yourself that you where never going to allow yourself to turn out a certain way because you where going to be better then that? Unfortunately for some they might wake up one morning and realize that despite all the careful planning and thinking, they somehow allowed themselves to become that person they swore they never would be. I had a wake up like that this morning. I always swore that I was going to be a nice person, someone who is understanding, patient, etc. Well, we are known by our fruit (the outcomes of our decisions), and by looking at the outcomes in my life lately I realized along the way I screwed up somewhere bad. Its not the end of the world, but with the damage I have done it might as well be. I have never relied more heavily on God then I am starting to this morning, because it is going to take all the strength and wisdom He can give me to turn this around.
How can you help someone, when you don't know where to start? How can you help someone, when there is nothing you really can do? How can you help someone that you care about and don't want to see anything happen to them, but you are next to powerless to do anything? I know there is always prayer, and talking, but I just wished at times I could take more action then talking.
To Wendy T.
Wow, where does the time go, its been half a year since we decided to take our friendship and develop it more into a relationship. I know people say you shouldn't pay too much attention to a time period this small, but I just had to mention it. I know some days I am not the easiest person to get along with, and I can't promise that there will not be days like that in the future, but I can say that I am grateful for the mercy and understanding you have, and whenever I have been down and feeling like just giving up, you have always been there to comfort and encourage me. I am so thankful and blessed to have you has part of my life, and you are willing to let me be a part of yours. No one knows what tomorrow might bring, what the future holds for us, but as long as I can face it with you and God, then I know I will be all right. Take care and God bless mi LM.